Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Organization Tips: The Closet

As the new year is approaching many people will begin their 2013 resolutions.  Next to eat healthier and exercise more, the most common resolution is to 'get organized'.  Instead of just think about getting organized this year, really do it!  If you are planning to get organized here are some tips for organizing the most important (and of course, most important) place in your home, the closet!

Getting organized is a refreshing feeling, it will allow you to live your life in a less anxious state, finally, you will not be running around and searching for that important document or that dress you have been planning to wear to an event.

When you set out to clear out your closet, keep these C-L-O-S-E-T organizing tips in mind...

C is for Clear-out and Categorize.
The best way to organize your closet is to clear it out completely. As you empty your closet categorize items by garment type. This makes it easy to see how much you have and simplify your decision making process.

L is for Let Go. Let go of any item that no longer fits—your body, your lifestyle or your sense of style.

O is for Organize. Organize the items you decide to keep into a system that makes it easier to get dressed in the morning. For example, organize your clothes into outfits to take all the guesswork out of deciding what to wear, or group clothes by garment type and color, to make it simple to find what you’re looking for in the morning.

S is for Storage. Once you’ve decided what clothes to keep, use storage solutions to stretch your closet storage space and to make items easier to see and access.

E is for Edit Regularly. Make it a habit to go through your clothes regularly. If you notice you avoid a certain pair of jeans every morning when you get dressed—let them go! You’ll keep your closet organized and functional for longer, which means you get to enjoy the bliss of an organized closet for weeks (or even months!) at a time.

T is for Take Action! If you’re now inspired to organize your closet—decide when you will take action. Look at your calendar and schedule a closet organizing session for an upcoming weekend morning or a free week day.

With these six simple tips tucked in your back pocket, an organized closet is a shoe in!

Some inspiration to help you get started organizing your closet...


Contact DesignLuxe for personal organization/design services or additional tips and ideas for getting organized in 2013!

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